by Steven Iwersen | Jul 31, 2019 | Leadership, Management Advice, Team Building
Do you remember the last time you went to the bookstore and stood in front of the leadership/management section perusing the titles for the one perfect book that might help you become a better leader? What were some of those titles? Could they have included…...
by Steven Iwersen | Jul 12, 2019 | Change, Disruption
Are you ready for the next big change in your business? The way you did business is no longer the way you do business! Marketing your product and services to generate traffic has shifted from print to digital formats. Payment has gone from cash to a simple wave of a...
by Steven Iwersen | May 31, 2019 | Change, Disruption, Leadership, Management Advice, Team Building
Skipping Church and Going to Disneyland Could Improve Your Business Such blasphemy! How dare I suggest that we could learn ideas from a secular business and apply those strategies to a spiritual endeavor! [ Keep reading for 7 Tips To Create A Breakthrough When...
by Steven Iwersen | Jan 29, 2019 | Leadership, LIfe Lessons, Personal Growth, Relationships, Time Management
The fastest way to build a reputation of integrity is to keep your commitments. “I have discovered that the successes in my life depend greatly upon my commitments and the failures are directly influenced by my compromises.” (Quote from January 27th entry...
by Steven Iwersen | Dec 10, 2018 | Life Balance, Motivation, Personal Growth, Relationships
Laugh a little. No better yet, laugh a lot. It’s good for your mind, heart, and relationships. Seriously. The scientific research shows that laughter is a tremendous stress reliever. It has been found to have an anti-inflammatory effect on blood vessels and your...
by Steven Iwersen | Oct 30, 2018 | LIfe Lessons, Motivation, Personal Growth
She stood there looking out to the horizon. One foot on the boat. One foot on the dock. The dream tugged at her heart. The doubt pulled her back like an anchor. She could push off and have a new experience. Or she could stand there like everyone else, waiting for the...
by Steven Iwersen | Oct 17, 2018 | Leadership, Personal Growth, Team Building
Matt Paradis plays football. It is his job. He plays for the Denver Broncos. Matt has made his presence known and has become a significant team leader in a very short time. He even has a Super Bowl Championship ring! That’s quite impressive for a guy who just started...
by Steven Iwersen | Aug 20, 2018 | Coaching & Mentoring, Conflict, LIfe Lessons, Relationships
The Reason We Miss Great Opportunities: The guy was super nice. Sharp dressed. Successful by most standards. Someone that I thought I could learn from. And, he had a coffee stain about the size of a dime on his white shirt. I wanted to look him in the eye as he spoke...
by Steven Iwersen | Aug 14, 2018 | Current Views, Leadership, Motivation
What Terrifies The Richest Man in the World? Jeff Bezos wrote, in his 1998 annual letter to investors and employees, that he expected his team members to wake up every morning terrified. He wanted them to be hyper-sensitive to the fact that their loyal customers could...
by Steven Iwersen | Aug 10, 2018 | Coaching & Mentoring, LIfe Lessons, Personal Growth
Confidence in what makes you feel secure may be the very thing that is keeping you from reaching your ultimate potential. It took me three summers of swimming lessons to finally graduate from the children’s swimming “Tadpoles” class to the “Minnows.” I could swim...