by Steven Iwersen | Jun 9, 2020 | Change, Conflict, Current Views, Leadership, LIfe Lessons, Relationships
How can we champion a shared solution in times of crisis? Long before I wrote the business fable “The Porcupine Principles” — the World Famous Porcupine Races brought a community together around one basic problem: How do you persuade a Prickly...
by Steven Iwersen | Apr 20, 2020 | Current Views, Disruption, Mindset
I remember thinking, “Well, when you put it that way, I don’t have any problems or excuses.” The man on stage was one of my peers in the National Speakers Association. He was sharing a powerful message about overcoming the hardships we encounter. If there was...
by Steven Iwersen | Aug 14, 2018 | Current Views, Leadership, Motivation
What Terrifies The Richest Man in the World? Jeff Bezos wrote, in his 1998 annual letter to investors and employees, that he expected his team members to wake up every morning terrified. He wanted them to be hyper-sensitive to the fact that their loyal customers could...