by Steven Iwersen | Jun 22, 2021 | Change, Disruption, Leadership
ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEW LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE? Once nearly vacant freeways are returning to the familiar bumper-to-bumper stop-and-go patterns. If traffic is any indication, society is rushing into a traffic jam of activity and expectations. Business leaders are...
by Steven Iwersen | Jun 9, 2020 | Change, Conflict, Current Views, Leadership, LIfe Lessons, Relationships
How can we champion a shared solution in times of crisis? Long before I wrote the business fable “The Porcupine Principles” — the World Famous Porcupine Races brought a community together around one basic problem: How do you persuade a Prickly...
by Steven Iwersen | Aug 14, 2019 | Change, Coaching & Mentoring, Leadership, Motivation, Personal Growth
We Miss Our Goals Because We Overlook and Miss Simple Opportunities No one really knows why it was so hot in the building, but it was hot! Usually the cooling system worked so well that people often complained about it being so cold it felt like working in a...
by Steven Iwersen | Jul 12, 2019 | Change, Disruption
Are you ready for the next big change in your business? The way you did business is no longer the way you do business! Marketing your product and services to generate traffic has shifted from print to digital formats. Payment has gone from cash to a simple wave of a...