by Steven Iwersen | Aug 9, 2019 | Coaching & Mentoring, Leadership, Management Advice, Personal Growth, Time Management
Overcommitted. Busy, but struggling to make real progress. Unhappy. These are common problems for leaders, business owners, and entrepreneurs that are just starting in their respective roles and ventures. The desire to be helpful to others can cloud your...
by Steven Iwersen | Jan 29, 2019 | Leadership, LIfe Lessons, Personal Growth, Relationships, Time Management
The fastest way to build a reputation of integrity is to keep your commitments. “I have discovered that the successes in my life depend greatly upon my commitments and the failures are directly influenced by my compromises.” (Quote from January 27th entry...
by Steven Iwersen | Aug 10, 2018 | Coaching & Mentoring, LIfe Lessons, Personal Growth
Confidence in what makes you feel secure may be the very thing that is keeping you from reaching your ultimate potential. It took me three summers of swimming lessons to finally graduate from the children’s swimming “Tadpoles” class to the “Minnows.” I could swim...
by Steven Iwersen | May 9, 2018 | Life Balance, Mentoring, Personal Growth
Do you have moments when you think that all the hard work isn’t paying off? I’ll admit it – some days it feels like I’m not making any progress. It is on those days that I try to remember the powerful message from the children’s story...
by Steven Iwersen | Apr 12, 2018 | Life Balance, Motivation, Personal Growth
Choosing to be an enthusiastic person is not a simple task. In fact, it is one of the most challenging disciplines that you will embrace. The reason it is hard is that it is much easier to be cranky, discouraged, and cynical. Each day is filled with justifiable...