by Steven Iwersen | Jun 22, 2021 | Change, Disruption, Leadership
ARE YOU READY FOR THE NEW LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE? Once nearly vacant freeways are returning to the familiar bumper-to-bumper stop-and-go patterns. If traffic is any indication, society is rushing into a traffic jam of activity and expectations. Business leaders are...
by Steven Iwersen | Jun 9, 2020 | Change, Conflict, Current Views, Leadership, LIfe Lessons, Relationships
How can we champion a shared solution in times of crisis? Long before I wrote the business fable “The Porcupine Principles” — the World Famous Porcupine Races brought a community together around one basic problem: How do you persuade a Prickly...
by Steven Iwersen | Apr 20, 2020 | Current Views, Disruption, Mindset
I remember thinking, “Well, when you put it that way, I don’t have any problems or excuses.” The man on stage was one of my peers in the National Speakers Association. He was sharing a powerful message about overcoming the hardships we encounter. If there was...
by Steven Iwersen | Mar 23, 2020 | Change, Disruption, Mindset
Discover how you can stay focused on growth during the global disruption of COVID-19. Here are two suggestions for positioning yourself (and your organization) to be in a leading role when the ‘all clear’ signal is finally given....