by Steven Iwersen | Jul 31, 2019 | Leadership, Management Advice, Team Building
Do you remember the last time you went to the bookstore and stood in front of the leadership/management section perusing the titles for the one perfect book that might help you become a better leader? What were some of those titles? Could they have included…...
by Steven Iwersen | May 31, 2019 | Change, Disruption, Leadership, Management Advice, Team Building
Skipping Church and Going to Disneyland Could Improve Your Business Such blasphemy! How dare I suggest that we could learn ideas from a secular business and apply those strategies to a spiritual endeavor! [ Keep reading for 7 Tips To Create A Breakthrough When...
by Steven Iwersen | Oct 17, 2018 | Leadership, Personal Growth, Team Building
Matt Paradis plays football. It is his job. He plays for the Denver Broncos. Matt has made his presence known and has become a significant team leader in a very short time. He even has a Super Bowl Championship ring! That’s quite impressive for a guy who just started...
by Steven Iwersen | Jul 26, 2018 | LIfe Lessons, Personal Growth, Relationships, Team Building
There are two sides to the good side. It is a strange phenomenon — this desire for the good side. We want always to present our good side to the world around us. And, we want to be on the good side of the people whom we meet and with whom we work. It is a...
by Steven Iwersen | May 31, 2018 | Leadership, Management Advice, Relationships, Team Building
Gaining clarity of direction is essential for your team or organization. But, there is something even more vital to your potential success. Steven reveals, in this video, a twist to the proverbial “same page” discussion and THREE ways that will help your...