by Steven Iwersen | Aug 7, 2019 | Coaching & Mentoring, Disruption, Life Balance, Personal Growth, Time Management
Research suggests that you will probably switch tasks or be distracted in about 3 minutes, 20 seconds. So, I’ve written this article to be read in that amount of time. Hopefully, you will get to the end. (If it helps, this article concludes with some ideas to help...
by Steven Iwersen | Oct 17, 2018 | Leadership, Personal Growth, Team Building
Matt Paradis plays football. It is his job. He plays for the Denver Broncos. Matt has made his presence known and has become a significant team leader in a very short time. He even has a Super Bowl Championship ring! That’s quite impressive for a guy who just started...
by Steven Iwersen | Jul 19, 2018 | Change, Motivation, Personal Growth
I’ve heard it hundreds of times. You probably have too. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” That quote is frequently attributed to Albert Einstein;, but there is no evidence that he ever said it. I...
by Steven Iwersen | Apr 22, 2018 | Change, Leadership, Life Balance, LIfe Lessons, Personal Growth, Time Management
I know of a university president that decided to take up boating. He realized that in his efforts to lead the institution into a new era of relevancy he was allowing his life to become overrun with meetings, agendas, and other peoples demands. He had no margin in...